Knitting just for the heck of it
Ever since Eunny published her Deep Argyle Vest pattern, I've been itching to try it out. But the search for suitable yarn has so far been unfruitful...should I go with Dale of Norway Heilo? Or Rowanspun DK? Briggs and Little Regal? Ah... choices. So while I wait to make a decision.. I decided to just knit a practice swatch with whatever I have.. you know.. just to see what it's like..Knit knit knit.. ah.. crap.. I'm knitting too tightly.. I need to loosen up my tension...
Knit knit knit.. ooh.. check out that argyle pattern...
Knit knit knit.. Oi.. I have gone this far.. might as well go all the way..
Knit knit knit.. yea.. I should totally practice steeking on this while I'm at it...

i love eunny's pattern! i find myself in a yarn debate for this pattern, too.
the knit picks palette is nice...i've always wanted to see more examples of it knit up. that's quite a practice swatch!
i get myself into more projects doing "practice swatch" knitting. hah! kind of a "foot in the door" psychology at work here; telling yourself "i've gone this far, might as well go all the way" sounds all too familiar.
I'm all about big swatches! How's the Renaissance Tunic coming?
So pretty! Grey and pink are such a good color combination. And highly underutilized, in my opinion.
Good luck with the yarn search. I'd keep at it until you find something you totally love.
Oooh! I love it. It definitely sounds like you're a process knitter. If this is the practice, I can't wait to see th real thing.
Those colors are really cute!! They match your blog!
What great swatch, I hope I'll have that much patience. The colors of the Heilo yarn are great, but where will you find the Rowanspun, isn't it discontinued? And though I haven't seen them in person, the Rowan Scottish Tweed colors look beautiful too, might be worth checking out.
yay for pink and grey! a fab color combo.
keep searching for the perfect yarn, it's out there.
Tee hee! I love your "swatch" - you've definitely got the pattern down. Gives me hope that when I start it I can actually do it!
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