Monday, June 25, 2007

My sales pitch

It is interesting that after 2.5 years of knitting, triumphing over lace, fair isle, cables and many a sweaters, I have absolutely no ability to crochet. I have drooled over Erika Knight's turkish slippers many times, and still can't get myself to pick up a hook to learn the pattern.

One time in a yarn store with a friend, I was browsing the Rowan magazines while he wandered around the store, checking out what it is about these yarn stores that draw me to them irregardless of traffic conditions on the 5pm congested freeway. He noticed the slippers on the cover of Erika Knight's Simple Crochet, and commented on how cool they are.

So fast-forward a few oohs and ahhs, and I charmed my way into a pair of fuschia colored slippers from a non-crocheter for my birthday this year. I'll knit him a pair of socks, and he'll learn crochet and make me the turkish slippers that I so desired. (If this ain't persuasion skills then I don't know what is).

"Fuschia? You want fuschia? Are you just trying to make this even harder for me or is that really what you want?"

(Now I would like you all to imagine an ex-football player with a crochet hook and two balls of fuschia yarn. A first-time crocheter, nonetheless)

Several months later, after much ripping and cursing on his part, my right foot was requested for a fitting. And of course, the crocheter can't help but marvel at his own work and demands photoshoots for his work.

I am mighty impressed. And hell, if he can do it, so can I. Guess who learned how to crochet?
Leftover sock yarn here I come. And stay tuned for the finished crochet slippers. It has taken months to get this far, I am sure the other foot won't be too far away. Yipee!

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

When knits fail

Sometimes you see a pattern and you think of how cool it will be after you tweak it a little, and you get cranking. And then instead of the recommended yarn, you sub it with something else that caught your eye. And then you block it and await for the final moment - the moment you stare back at yourself in the mirror.Dude that's not how I envisioned it.
Oh well. At least the yarn was nice to play with.
Pattern: Mobius Hat
Materials: 1 skein of Cascade Sierra (80% pima cotton 20% merino wool 191 yds), sz 7 needles
And the leftovers are good for a set of 4 coasters. David the Gnome approves.

Edit to add: Front View

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Knits in Action

Pattern: Thermal, Sz 34”

Materials: Henry’s Attic Kona Superwash Fingering Yarn (8 oz), Sz 1 for body and body ribbing, Sz 0 for sleeves and sleeve ribbing, Rit Dye Royal Blue and Black

Notes: This has been such a long knit that I don’t even know if I can recall any details. I started swatching for this project using the recommended needle sizes, but decided that the resulting fabric was too loosey-goosey for my liking. Using Sz 1’s, I managed to obtain row gauge and decided that I’ll just knit the 34” size to result in a tighter-fitting sweater. From the original pattern, it appeared that the sleeves were loose. What I wanted was a three-quarter length sweater that is fitted all over, so I decided to use Sz 0’s. In the end, it worked out marvelously and I have a new favorite sweater…. But not without some drama.

Enter drama….

I panicked and thought that I would run out of yarn.

Initially, I envisioned this to be a cream-colored sweater. I posted on KnittersReview to see if anyone had yarn to spare, and a kind knitter sent me 3 oz extra out of the kindness of her heart (Knitters are just cool like that). It was a different shade. I bought an extra skein of yarn, only to find that it is a smidge darker too. What I had was a sweater that had two shades of cream in it.

So I dyed it. Charcoal Grey. And you know what? I love it.

P.S. Yes, I know. I am still missing two buttons. But who cares? I wore it to work today.

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